Churchs Ferry (N.D.)



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Churchs Ferry (N.D.)

Churchs Ferry (N.D.)

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Churchs Ferry (N.D.)

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Churchs Ferry (N.D.)

138 Archival description results for Churchs Ferry (N.D.)

Only results directly related

Great Northern Railway Authorization for Expenditure (AFE) 9582, Churchs Ferry, North Dakota, 1918.

AFE 9582, Churchs Ferry, North Dakota, 1918. West of Church's Ferryrelaying 25,608 Lineal Feet of 90# Replacing Wolhupter Joints Withnew90# Angle Bars, Adjacent to Imedia Ely West of New Rail Placed Under Afe 9293, West of Church's Ferry. Interstate Commerce Commission Account Number 9, Rails. Cost: $8354. Series II. Lines East. Other Subject Categories: Track, Mainline

Great Northern Railway Authorization for Expenditure (AFE) 9293, Churchs Ferry, North Dakota, 1918.

AFE 9293, Churchs Ferry, North Dakota, 1918. Relaying 90# Rail (New When Laid) Out of Face, withNew 90# Rail, to Recover Rail for Patch Relaying. and Replacing Badly Worn and Broken Wolhaupter Joints withNew 90# Angle Bars and Tie Plates, West of Church's Ferry and East of Ray. Interstate Commerce Commission Account Number 9, Rails. Cost: $1506. Series II. Lines East. Other Subject Categories: Track, Track Laying and Removal

Results 1 to 10 of 138