Spokane, Portland and Seattle Railway Authorization for Expenditure (AFE). President's AFE Number 1321. Place timber lining in portion of tunnel number 16 at Milepost 272-0. Chief Engineer/Standard Maintenance Procedure AFE Number CE 1421. Correspondence File Number 66-16. Vancouver Division. Other subject categories: Tunnel Lining.
Spokane, Portland and Seattle Railway Authorization for Expenditure (AFE). President's AFE Number 1668. Reslope river side - west end - of cut at location of old Tunnel No. 1, to overcome danger of having rocks roll down onto tracks. Chief Engineer/Standard Maintenance Procedure AFE Number CE 1742. Correspondence File Number A66-1. Vancouver Division. Other subject categories: Bank Slope.
Spokane, Portland and Seattle Railway Authorization for Expenditure (AFE). President's AFE Number 1468. Make open cut of tunnel No. 2 at milepost 52-1 on Astoria line. Excavated material to be used in filling trestles. Length of tunnel 165 feet. Expenditure necessary for safety of operation. Present tunnel clearance is much less than standard and present timber lining is in poor condition. Work provided for by the 1916 budget. Chief Engineer/Standard Maintenance Procedure AFE Number CE 1556. Correspondence File Number A66-2. Portland Division. Other subject categories: Tunnel Removal.
Spokane, Portland and Seattle Railway Authorization for Expenditure (AFE). President's AFE Number 756. Constructing road and bridge and changing country road at Tumwater, Washington. Chief Engineer/Standard Maintenance Procedure AFE Number CE 833. Correspondence File Number 37-1. Vancouver Division. Other subject categories: Road.
Spokane, Portland and Seattle Railway Authorization for Expenditure (AFE). President's AFE Number 1817. Renew trestle approaches of bridge A-51-3 with standard pile trestle. Chief Engineer/Standard Maintenance Procedure AFE Number CE 1863. Correspondence File Number A34-7. Other subject categories: Bridge Trestle.
Spokane, Portland and Seattle Railway Authorization for Expenditure (AFE). President's AFE Number 798. Constructimg temporary platform 20 foot by 74 foot at Towal, Washington. Chief Engineer/Standard Maintenance Procedure AFE Number CE 916. Vancouver Division. Other subject categories: Structure Platform.
Spokane, Portland and Seattle Railway Authorization for Expenditure (AFE). President's AFE Number 1008. Moving section house from its present location east at Towal, Washington. Correspondence File Number 344. Vancouver Division. Other subject categories: Structure Section House.
Spokane, Portland and Seattle Railway Authorization for Expenditure (AFE). President's AFE Number 1718. Remove public crossing near section house and place new crossing at point near depot at Towal, Washington. Present crossing not passable account of sand drifts, forcing teams to drive along tracks to depot. Chief Engineer/Standard Maintenance Procedure AFE Number CE 1775. Correspondence File Number 344-4. Vancouver Division. Other subject categories: Crossing Road.
Spokane, Portland and Seattle Railway Authorization for Expenditure (AFE). President's AFE Number 1058. Constructing one pen stock chute at Towal, Washington. Chief Engineer/Standard Maintenance Procedure AFE Number CE 1182. Correspondence File Number 344. Vancouver Division. Other subject categories: Structure Stock Chute.