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Sheldon Perry Collection

  • US WaBuPNRA D0352
  • Collection

The Sheldon Perry Collection includes Sanborn map books of Portland, Oregon

Perry, Sheldon

Semaphore March 1925

Repairing Rails in Place, Falsen Becomes Verendrye, Fuel Economy, Our Operating Ratio, Pullman Paragraphs, The Transportation Act, Resolution of B. R.T. Lodge 572. Children?s Page, Club Activities, Division News, Editorial, Fashions, Honor Roll, Puzzles, Safety, Sports, With Our Poets, Women?s Department

Semaphore January 1925

President?s Announcement, Great Northern Efficiency, Income Statement for 1924, Second Annual Frolic, The Railway Nerve System, Along the Kootenai, Bugle Blasts-American Legion, A Voyage to the Orient, Heroes of Every Day, Trains or Busses, The Railroad Beatitudes, Superior Supervisors? Meeting. Club Activities, Division News, Editorial, Fashions, Honor Roll, Puzzles, Safety, Sports, With Our Poets. Please see Fake Finding Aid (
for further information.

Semaphore February 1925

Raw Silk Shipments, An Engineer's Great Work, Kiwanis Learns About Club, Build Dozer in Ten Days, ?Pittsburgh Plus?, Station Agent Wins Promotion, Chess Tournament Proposed. Children?s Page, Club Activities, Division News, Editorial, Fashions, Honor Roll, Puzzles, Safety, Sports, With Our Poets, Women?s Department

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