Seattle Municipal Railway Track, Seattle, Washington, 1930. Looking east showing temporary streetcar approach to Bridge Number 1 with Bridge Number 2 under construction on the right, March 4, 1930. Photo by Seattle Engineering Department. Other subject categories: Spokane Street
Seattle Municipal Railway Track, Seattle, Washington, 1930. Looking west on Bridge Number 2 showing temporary track on the left with permanent track on the right, September 19, 1930. Other subject categories: Spokane Street
Seattle Municipal Railway Track, Seattle, Washington, 1930. Right of way view looking east on Northwest 85th Street from 6th Avenue Northwest. Photo from the Warren Wing Collection. Other subject categories: Unnumbered Routes
Seattle Municipal Railway Track, Seattle, Washington, 1930. Seattle Municipal Railway Route 20 trackage looking southbound on Woodland Park Avenue and North 46th Street on Route 20, Green Lake, August 12, 1930. Other subject categories: Streetcar
Seattle Municipal Railway Track, Seattle, Washington, 1930. Looking northeast towards Spokane Street Junction showing demolition of streetcar ramp, April 25, 1930. Other subject categories: Spokane Street, Youngstown
Seattle Municipal Railway Track, Seattle, Washington, 1930. Looking west on Spokane Street from 26th Southwest showing newly completed streetcar trestle, November 5, 1930. Other subject categories: Spokane Street, Youngstown
Seattle Municipal Railway Track, Seattle, Washington, 1930. Looking west on Spokane with Youngstown Station and connecting Seattle Municipal Railway bus, November 23, 1930. Photo by Seattle Engineering Department. Other subject categories: Spokane Street, Youngstown
Seattle Municipal Railway Track, Seattle, Washington, 1930. Looking north on 24th Southwest to Youngstown Streeta with Seattle Municipal Railway bus and fire station on the right, November 5, 1930. Other subject categories: Spokane Street, Youngstown
Seattle Municipal Railway Track, Seattle, Washington, 1930. Looking west at const. of Bridge Number 2 with temporary streetcar track to and from Bridge Number 1 on the right, May 12, 1930. Photo by Seattle Engineering Department. Other subject categories: Spokane Street
Seattle Municipal Railway Track, Seattle, Washington, 1930. Looking east showing temporary streetcar approach to Bridge Number 1. Photo by Seattle Engineering Department. Other subject categories: Spokane Street