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Seattle Municipal Railway Number 414 at the 8th Avenue Northwest and Leary Way, Seattle, Washington, 1941.

Seattle Municipal Railway Number 414 at the 8th Avenue Northwest and Leary Way, Seattle, Washington, 1941. 414 next to two Seattle Municipal Railway flatcars loaded with rails, April 25, 1941. Photograph by J.A. Turner. Additional subject classification: Crane car, Green Lake

Turner, James A.

Seattle Municipal Railway Number 413 at the Ballard Bridge, Seattle, Washington, 1939.

Seattle Municipal Railway Number 413 at the Ballard Bridge, Seattle, Washington, 1939. 413 pulling three Seattle Municipal Railway flatcars southbound on the Ballard Bridge, May 31, 1939. Number 414 in the background. Photograph by Seattle Engineering Department. Additional subject classification: "Totem" locomotive, Ballard

Results 4411 to 4420 of 154421