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Continental Grain Company Diesel Locomotive Number 11 at Tacoma, Washington in November, 1989.

Continental Grain Company diesel locomotive number 11, a Baldwin-Lima-Hamilton (BLH)-Whitcomb 70-ton (model 65DE27) switcher, in new paint, parked with a covered hopper at the grain terminal switcher at Tacoma, Washington, on November 30, 1989. Photo by J.M. Fredrickson. Other Subject Classes: diesel locomotive, switching locomotive, covered hopper car.

Cook Collection

  • US MnSpGNR E0462
  • Collection

The Cook Collection is comprised of photographic slides.

Cordell Newby Collection

  • US WaBuPNRA D0304
  • Collection
  • 1925-1975

The Cordell Newby Collection includes the Baldwin Locomotives quarterly magazine from January, 1925 and the following Great Northern Railway documents: Analysis of Diesel Ownership and Distribution, 1975; Instructions for the Operation and Maintenance of Electric Motive Power, 1947; an outline drawing for B-D-D-B-720/720-12GE-746-56 1/2 GA, 1947. "New Cascade Tunnel original and reproduction copies, a brochure "The Most Powerful Motor-Generator Type Electric Locomotive in the World", 1929; Form 1404 - Time Return and Delay Report of Engine and Train Employees, May 1947 and June 1956; a drawing - Locomotive Wiring Diagram # 36565 for locomotives 5010-5017, 1953; and Engineer's Train Register at Appleyard, 1955

Newby, Cordell

Results 5001 to 5010 of 154421