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Depots and Freighthouses

Still photographs of structures constructed by a railroad company for the accommodation of passengers and/or freight. This term also includes structures for the exclusive use of freight, sometimes known as freighthouses.


Railroad depot and freighthouse photographs from the George Werkema Collection of Burlington Northern Railroad Company subjects in locations across the western United States.

Werkema, George


Railroad station photographs from the George Werkema Collection of various railroad companies in locations across the western United States.

Werkema, George


A photograph of a model of the Great Northern Railway Depot in Spokane, Washington.

Downing, Robert W.


Engineering drawings of railroad structures used for the service of passengers or freight.

Fredrickson, James M.


Railroad depot and freighthouse photographs from the George Werkema Collection of Northern Pacific Railroad Company subjects in locations across the western United States.

Werkema, George


The Depots and Freighthouses portion of Northern Pacific Railroad photographs of the Walter W. Ainsworth Collection includes photographs of railroad stations and freighthouses in the Pacific Northwest.

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