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Electro-Motive Division diesel locomotive at Allentown, Washington, in 1946.

New Electro-Motive Division diesel locomotive number EMD 754 leads a Northern Pacific test train of new passenger cars at Allentown, Washington, on November 4, 1946. 4500-hp model F3 locomotive type soon to replace steam on North Coast Limited, trailed by dynamometer car to measure engine's performance, new streamlined coaches, conventional consist trailing. Photo by J.M. Fredrickson. Other Subject Classes: diesel locomotive, test train, dynamometer car, passenger car

Fredrickson, James M.

Electro-Motive Division of General Motors diesel locomotive 4352 at Auburn, Washington on April 28, 1966.

Electro-Motive Division of General Motors diesel locomotive 4352, an SD-45 demonstrator unit, sits at the Northern Pacific diesel house in Auburn Washington before testing on Stampede Pass on April 28, 1966. Photo by J.M. Fredrickson. Other Subject Classes: diesel locomotive

Results 5421 to 5430 of 154421