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Astoria (Or.)
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Spokane, Portland and Seattle Railway Authorization for Expenditure (AFE), Flavel, Oregon and Astoria, Oregon, undated.

Spokane, Portland and Seattle Railway Authorization for Expenditure (AFE). President's AFE Number 1485. Take box car body from Flavel, Oregon, and place it on the depot grounds at Astoria for laborers' quarters. Correspondence File Number A328. Portland Division. Other subject categories: Structure Laborer Quarters.

Spokane, Portland and Seattle Railway Authorization for Expenditure (AFE), Astoria, Oregon, undated.

Spokane, Portland and Seattle Railway Authorization for Expenditure (AFE). President's AFE Number 1544. Payment special assessment levied by City of Astoria account improvement Commercial Street by filling with sand between wooden retaining walls, and planking and constructing wooden sidewalks, East line 17th Street to West line 22nd Street. Chief Engineer/Standard Maintenance Procedure AFE Number RW T85. Correspondence File Number A328-X. Portland Division. Other subject categories: Assessment.

Spokane, Portland and Seattle Railway Authorization for Expenditure (AFE), Astoria, Oregon, undated.

Spokane, Portland and Seattle Railway Authorization for Expenditure (AFE). President's AFE Number 741. Construction of a 250 foot extension to spur track at Astoria, Oregon. Chief Engineer/Standard Maintenance Procedure AFE Number CE 837. Correspondence File Number A332-1. Portland Division. Other subject categories: Tracks Spur.

Spokane, Portland and Seattle Railway Authorization for Expenditure (AFE), Astoria, Oregon, undated.

Spokane, Portland and Seattle Railway Authorization for Expenditure (AFE). President's AFE Number 1012. Installing drinking fountain in depot at Astoria. Correspondence File Number A328-9. Portland Division. Other subject categories: Plumbing Drinking Fountain.

Spokane, Portland and Seattle Railway Authorization for Expenditure (AFE), Astoria, Oregon, undated.

Spokane, Portland and Seattle Railway Authorization for Expenditure (AFE). President's AFE Number 1448. Complete the fill under all tracks in Units 1 and 2, Astoria Reclamation District, from station 5229 + 10 to station 5296 + 10, to do away with heavy maintenance. Work provided for by 1916 work sheet. Chief Engineer/Standard Maintenance Procedure AFE Number CE 1543. Correspondence File Number A328-7A. Portland Division. Other subject categories: Filling.

Spokane, Portland and Seattle Railway Authorization for Expenditure (AFE), Astoria, Oregon, undated.

Spokane, Portland and Seattle Railway Authorization for Expenditure (AFE). President's AFE Number 1467. Installation of electric lights in and around roundhouse at Astoria. Safety first feature. Should have electric lights to increase efficiency of workman and lessening danger. Chief Engineer/Standard Maintenance Procedure AFE Number SMP 153. Correspondence File Number A328-3. Portland Division. Other subject categories: Lighting.

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