Sedro Woolley (Wash.)



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Sedro Woolley (Wash.)

Sedro Woolley (Wash.)

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Sedro Woolley (Wash.)

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Sedro Woolley (Wash.)

47 Archival description results for Sedro Woolley (Wash.)

47 results directly related Exclude narrower terms

Great Northern Railway Authorization for Expenditure (AFE) 91447, Sedro Woolley, Washington, 1959.

AFE 91447, Sedro Woolley, Washington, 1959. Make Temporary and Permanent Changes in Lines for Purpose of Construction of Overhead State Highway Bridge. Interstate Commerce Commission Account Number 26, Communication Systems. Cost: $2300. Series II. Lines West. Other Subject Categories: Communications, Telegraph

Great Northern Railway Authorization for Expenditure (AFE) 89994, Sedro Woolley, Washington, 1958.

AFE 89994, Sedro Woolley, Washington, 1958. Remove Diamond Crossing and Rearrange Tracks, Relocate Fairhaven and Southern Turnout to New Location on Rockport Branch. Interstate Commerce Commission Account Number 12, Track Laying and Surfacing. Cost: $3900. Series II. Lines West. Other Subject Categories: Track, Yard

Great Northern Railway Authorization for Expenditure (AFE) 6958, Sedro Woolley, Washington, 1917.

AFE 6958, Sedro Woolley, Washington, 1917. Construct Set-Out Tracks Along Mail Line on Right of Way at Cokedale Junction; Lay Track on Old Grade to Cokedale Mines, and Construct Sidings at Mines, for The Cokedale Coal and Coke Company. Interstate Commerce Commission Account Number 12, Track Laying and Surfacing. Cost: $4300. Series II. Lines West. Cascade Division. Other Subject Categories: Track, Track Laying and Removal

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